8 color combinations to make your living room look splendid
Looking for a splendid color for your living room? Here, in this article, you will get the absolute color scheme that you are seeking. As the best interior designer in Salem, we came up with multiple contemporary color schemes that best suit your living room. Let us get into the article to pick your color scheme.
Room colors inspired by nature:
To give you a natural atmosphere, colors that are inspired by nature makes you feel comfortable with a cozy, livable space. The vibrant green has a major portion of this color scheme, which highly dominates other colors. This color scheme comes with vibrant green, cream and coal black. The natural green color creates an ambience that comprises peace and serene. To feel the organic effect of nature in your living room then it is an easy go with this color scheme. The formula for this scheme is vibrant green + Cream + Coal Black.
Contemporary living room colors:
After seeing a natural effect, secondly, we have a modern color scheme. This scheme has gleaming color combinations. Sparkling gold and immaculate white combine with dense black to furnish a modern color scheme. Sparkling gold is the dominant color of this color combination. The mixture of major portion gold with spotless white with the light touch of black gives you a subtle and relaxing feel. This combination is highly recommended to boost dopamine in your brain to feel the pleasure of luxury. The contemporary color scheme not only brightens your room, your mind as well. Let us see the equation for this pattern: Sparkling gold + Immaculate White + Black.
Fruitful color scheme:
The best interior designers in Salem- Le Freddo. We surprise and excite the community with our creativity. Yes, absolutely yes, we took this color combination from fruits; as the name denotes. Tangy orange is the base component of this color scheme which joins with apple green and a few proportions of lime yellow. This wholesome color scheme gives you an exuberant feeling. This is for the folks whose intention is to experiment with new trends and vogue. In simple words, Tangy orange + Apple Green + Lime Yellow gives luxury nature.
Splendid Color pattern:
A combination of spotless white with royal blue and red results in a breathtaking color scheme. White and blue gives a sophisticated foundation for our living room. The texture of red for the small borders is an absolute contrast color combination. This is one of the interesting combinations formulated by our designing folks.
Coastal color scheme:
As you guess, yes, mint blue is the basic foundation for this scheme. When the mint artic blue combines with cool grey and bright light makes your room like a beach kind of ambiance. This color scheme makes you feel as you are on a sea-shore. This is also one of the combinations inspired by nature. Those who are in the hill stations cannot enjoy the sea breeze often. If you choose this color scheme, you will get the coastal effect in your living room.
Light and Bright color scheme:
This combination of color best suits the person with patience and a soft mood. As the name denotes this the combination of light colors such as spotless milk-white with bright pink and sky blue. This combination provides you with a subtle, sophisticated feel. This combination will be most suitable and attract women and babies. The color balance is achieved with a huge portion of white with a small portion of pink and blue. Kids really love this color pattern because of the bright and light color effect.
Retro color pattern:
To get the vintage experience try this combination out. The bold color pattern of green, yellow, white with multiple designs on the walls throw out an absolute retro style. The warm effect can be felt inside your living room because of the sharp colors. This combination with antiques and handicrafts is like a bread and butter combination. One who wants a classic look for their living room can easily go with this combination without any dilemma.
Strange Color combinations:
As per recent demographical data, there are many freaky blokes in our community. Le Freddo, the best interior designer in Salem has come up with funky styles. This is one of the weird combinations that attract freaky guys in society. Bright yellow with royal blue and purple is the one which was expected by the funky freaky guys. Having this combination in your living room with bi-illuminance lights will result in a trippy feel in your mind.
DO you want to jazz up your living room with colors? Incorporate any of these color schemes to enhance your interior design. For expert advice on adding any of these color schemes in your living room schedule an interior design online consultation and get help from LeFreddo- Interior designers in Salem from the comfort of your home.