Basic principles of home interior design
According to interior designers at LeFreddo there are no limits to your creativity when it comes to interior design. Everyone can use few tips and tricks to transform your space with modern home interior We have listed 7 basic principles of interior design which is a key to any interior design process Following these basic principles will help create inviting spaces that family and friends will love spending time in.
Everybody knows when things are balanced everything feels right. LeFreddo says ‘if you mess with the balance, then everything falls apart’. In dictionary balance means evenly distributed weight that enables something or someone to remain steady. In interior design balance means organizing the elements in such a way that it distributes the visual height in a pleasing way.
There are three different types of balance namely symmetrical, Asymmetrical and radial to create a visual equilibrium.
Symmetrical: Used for traditional or formal spaces where the space is evenly split into two sides that mirror each other. This kind of interior is easy to achieve but if not created with care can become monotonous and boring.
Asymmetrical: Creates a more relaxed feel in your home but is not as easy to achieve as symmetrical balance For instance you can create balance on both sides of the room using an imaginary vertical axis. To create asymmetrical balance you don’t have to duplicate elements on either sides of the room.
Radial: Balancing the objects around and radiating out a large center piece in other words when all the elements of a design are arrayed around a center point.
This principal is about creating a focal point or center of attention using a central piece of art or furniture in a defined living space. Some top interior designers say that when everything gets equal importance your space will look either scattered or boring. Some spaces have focal points in the architectural design itselfsuch as fire place or a window with a beautiful view. With simple tips and tricks that you find on Pinterest will help emphasis this focal points by arranging furniture around it. For those rooms which lack focal points can use designer furniture or an unusual large piece as center of attention.
Putting two elements in opposition to one another is called contrast in other words, the difference in the luminance or the color of the object that differentiate from one another is called contrast. For example and black and white pillows on a sofa. This can be achieved by using three elements namely space, form, and color. To achieve a perfect contrast you can combine more than one form in a space. In most cases contrast creates an amazingly striking visual impact. Nothing creates contrast like color! Contrast can create both positive and negative space in a room. With repetition a little contrast goes a long way. As you include areas of positive visual activity, you should create negative areas to create volume.
Everybody is familiar with the word rhythm as it is used when it comes to music. Rhythm ties everything together in a song likewise it helps bringing together everything in an interior design process Rhythm in interior design can be achieved in 3 different way using repetition, alteration and progression.
Repetition: Repeating color, patterns, texture, line and other elements more than once throughout a space.
Alteration: Generally curved lines are used to alter the old boring straight lines to gently lead the eye from one are to another.
Progression: You can create progression using color or size of various elements. For instance, increasing or decreasing one or more qualities of an element creates natural progression.
Scale & proportion
This principle of interior design creates harmony by placing objects in such a way like they are made for each other and contribute to the balance of the space. Every scale and proportion in interior design are important and is a very important part in the principles of interior design.
Scale: It refers to an objects size and can be used only when an objects size is known for certain.
Proportion: It refers to general size relationship between two different objects. In an interior design process proportion means the way objects relate to each other in a room.
For an inexpensive interior decoration best interior designers follow the golden ratio. Nature is a perfect example for golden ratio when incorporating this golden ratio in interior design you can create more pleasingly aesthetic and perfect home.
Harmony and Unity
Harmony and unity both may sound common but they actually play a different role in interior designing process.
Harmony: It mean togetherness. By repeating color, texture, shape, and form you can achieve harmony in any space. Harmonious space means, feeling of togetherness.
Unity: combining similar elements together.
Details means the decorations in a room such as pillows, lamps, rugs, carpets, furnishings, lighting etc. They are small but add a subtle touch creating a huge impact in a room. When considering interior design service every element you use in the design including the details enhance your space. Interior designers and decorators together manage, coordinate, research, plan details and execute what they have in mind.
The best interior designers in Salem will create a harmonious space following these principles to merge functionality and aesthetics into a space.
Schedule an interior design consultation with our professional interior designer today.
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