How to choose perfect color for your kids bedroom ?
Color is Nature’s signaling system which we view all through the year. Perfect example will be the weather at different seasons. Researchers have recognized the bridge between the color and children’s behavior. The factor that Angela Wright recognized in studying color psychology was that, equally, we do not respond to just one color, but to colors in combination. Color affects our emotions and influences us consciously and unconsciously.
Kid’s have the ability to inspire, excite, calm, desire.,etc through colors. Their environment has a major role through which children can learn, grow, explore and develop themselves based on what they see which means objects and its colors.Both indoors and outdoors children does more activity but home is important spot where they spend most of the time and which can be modified as per their wish, says Lefreddo- interior designers in Salem.
As per psychology, Colors are an important element in evaluating child development. A kid is said to be more attracted to colors where sometimes colors dominate kid’s behavior. A better environment for learning can be designed based on how they respond to the colors whereas communication, emotions, feelings are made through colors.
Yellow is known for its brightness, making anyone to be attentive by its attraction which is most sensitive to our eyes. Happiness, fun, joy is associated with the color.
- Happiness
- Motivation
- Promotes concentration
Red is a fast moving color which attracts kids in a fraction of a second for its contrast. It has more dominance over other colors due to its longest wavelength.
- Excites
- Alertness
- creativity
Blue increases and enhances concentration and also helps in making decisions. Sometimes associated with mediation and indicates spirituality.
- Calms blood pressure
- Sense of well being
Green indicates pleasant which means a satisfied happiness. Though it is moreover related to positivity it is also associated with poison, envy, decay and jealousy.
- Promotes concentration
- Health and well-being
- Symbolize nature
Our interior designers try to find the results when we combine two different colors. When yellow (brightness) and red(excitement) is combined we finds which color a kid picks when combined.
The practice of color design
There is lots of research conducted by the interior designer, because it is a very challenging element which might change the behavior or mood created.
Aspects of interior architectural color design
There are many interconnected angles to utilizing shading effectively, for example, serving the requirements of people, the architectural space, its motivation, also, it’s components. To be considered
- Physiological and psychological requirements
- Relationship of color to building and spatial function
There are many crucial links between cognitive development and emotional feeling of a child based on his/her environment. Color can also trigger the brain to release hormones that affect our moods, mental clarity and energy levels. Our interior designers can “direct the type and degree of color stimulation and by extension, influence behavior”.
Suggestions to list
- Usage of calm colors like blue and green in their room to relax children. In summer, dress them in blue to cool down body temperature and their mood.
- Children who have trouble sleeping and other behavioral issues may benefit from spending time in a blue room.
- If you want your children to sleep well, try using cool colors like blue, green, or purple. Their calming effect can make your child’s room feel more relaxing, like the blue sky or the ocean.
- Avoid painting your child’s room with dark color and cool colors because they can inspire gloomy, stormy day feelings.
- Bright, warm colors may disturb your child in settling down for naps and bedtime. Our interior designer suggests those colors for the playroom since they are known to enhance growth and development.
- Use bright red, yellow or orange dishes in the kitchen as these colors are associated with food and stimulate appetite.
Surround your child with yellow during homework time to seek attention and focus. A yellow tablecloth at the homework place may help, and keep a yellow file, pencil, and pencil case. If you have a small room for studying, then paint it yellow!
In addition to these specific activities, spend time talking to your children about how different colors make them feel. Ask them about their perception of colors which might bring extra ideas to our interior designer. As they get older, work with them to choose a new paint color for their bedroom. Focus on their artwork and the colors they use, then talk to them about why they chose specific colors and if it made them feel a certain way. Ultimately, the more tools we have to effectively communicate with our children. Have fun playing with color and exploring what works best for your family along with Lefreddo interior designers in Salem.
Color affects the mood more in children. Color psychology has an impact on a child’s learning abilities and behavior. Color helps in connecting the neural pathways in the brain. When correct color is found for a person’s problem, then that issue actually becomes a lot easier for the child.