How to fit a dishwasher in a Modular kitchen?
When remodeling your kitchen, there is a lot to think about, including the design, cabinetry, materials, and flooring. Another aspect of your kitchen design to consider is where you will place major appliances such as your dishwasher. Dishwashers were once considered a luxury item in Australian homes. However, times have changed, and dishwashers are now more of a standard feature than a luxury.
Although there is no one exact right place for dishwashers, Here LeFreddo designer of Modular kitchen in Salem have compiled a list of quick tips that you should consider before deciding where to put your dishwasher.
Where do you put the dishwasher?
When you add something new to your kitchen, you must consider how the kitchen will function. Because you are working with a small kitchen, this is equally important. When the door is closed, your dishwasher should be easily accessible while remaining out of the way
- Place the dishwasher next to the sink
Despite the fact that many dishwashers on the market do not require dishes to be rinsed, many people still rinse before loading their dishes into the dishwasher. As a kitchen design expert, LeFreddo recommends placing a dishwasher near the sink. Because plumbing will be required for the sink, connecting a dishwasher will be easier and less expensive. We usually scrape leftovers from dishes, rinse them, and then load them into the dishwasher. Scraping, rinsing, and loading dishes will be much easier if your dishwasher is right next to the sink.
If you rinse your plates and pots too thoroughly before loading them into the dishwasher, the dishwasher may not clean them thoroughly. This is due to the fact that many of today’s high-quality dishwashers have soil sensors that detect how dirty the dishes are and adjust the washing power accordingly. The dishwasher will use more power and water to clean the dishes the more soiled they are. The dishwasher will not use much power if you do too much pre-rinsing.
- Place the dishwasher next to storage
This makes unloading the dishwasher easier. Your goal should be to take only one or two steps between the dishwasher and the cabinets. Your dishwasher can be next to or opposite these cabinets, as long as you don’t have to move too far between them. Always keep in mind that every kitchen should have a functional and practical layout. The placement of your dishwasher is critical in making your kitchen a pleasant place to work. By placing your dishwasher near the sink and close to storage, you will significantly reduce your work.
- Make sure there is enough space for mobility
Make sure there’s enough space behind the dishwasher door wherever you put it so it doesn’t obstruct work areas or walkways when it’s open. If you have the room, try to leave at least 48 inches of space behind the dishwasher. Also, because the dishwasher door can be left open for several minutes at a time, avoid leaving it open in an area where someone would stand when using the stove.
- Place the dishwasher next to trash bin
Because most cleaning entails scraping food scraps into the garbage disposal within the sink and/or into a trash bin, keeping a trash can near the dishwasher is beneficial. Although it may not be the primary trash can, consider placing a small, pull-out garbage can for food scraps under your sink or within cabinetry near your sink. If there is more than one person doing the dishes, the food scrape bin should be placed beside, rather than under, the sink, unless you have a particularly large sink.
- Place the dishwasher beneath the island bench
In a kitchen with an island bench, it is likely that dirty dishes are dropped on the island as they are cleared away from outdoor entertaining areas, the dining table, or the breakfast bar. As a result, putting your dishwasher in your island is a great idea. Dishes can be quickly cleared from the island bench-top, rinsed in the sink if desired, and loaded directly into the dishwasher without moving to another area of the kitchen.
However, due to plumbing constraints, it may not always be possible to locate a dishwasher in the center of a room, especially if a home is built on a concrete slab. It is worth discussing this with your designer and plumber early on in the planning process, as it may be prohibitively expensive.
- Consider an integrated dishwasher
If you have an open-plan kitchen, you may be concerned about having a dishwasher that you don’t want to be seen, especially if it can be seen from your living room. Consider an integrated dishwasher in this case; that is, one that is specially designed to sit behind a panel that matches the rest of your kitchen cabinetry.
Integrated dishwashers are classified into two types
- Semi-integrated in which only the top control panel is visible, with the lower part hidden behind a cabinetry panel.
- Fully-integrated dishwasher in which the dishwasher controls are located along the top edge of the door and are only visible when the door is open.
- Pace the dishwasher in a walk-in pantry
Busy families and larger households may want to have two dishwashers, one in the kitchen for everyday conveniencne and one in the butler’s pantry for extra dishes or when they have guests over. This is done so that all dirty dishes can be taken there immediately after a meal, and all large pots and pans can be washed there, leaving the main kitchen neat and tidy, and the sink empty to rinse glasses or wash hands.
Before you install a dishwasher in your kitchen, you must first determine the best location for it. It is also critical to ensure that your dishwasher is placed in a location that allows for movement. By following these suggestions, you will undoubtedly make your life easier while also creating a practical and functional kitchen environment.