Interior designers reveals the 11 things that will ruin the look of your kitchen
The kitchens are the most used room in a home, and to design and decorate them, you must avoid few things. We let you know some of the biggest mistakes people use to make during designing and decorating a kitchen, according to interior design experts
1. A poorly planned layout leads to a dis-functional and odd-looking kitchen.
LeFreddo, our Interior designers in Salem said that some critical layout would lead us for poor functionality and visual of the kitchen design.The placement of appliances and kitchen cabinets is critical and must suit the way you prepare and clean. Searching for good organizational skills to find out a suitable layout, specifically for our good customers who encourage us a lot, would take a lot of time.
2.Choosing a colorful and low-quality interior can be expensive.
LeFreddo uses the most expensive item in a kitchen, and it’s better to take up a versatile design that’s both durable and easy to maintain. It’s not easy to afford or to replace bold colored designs that have not aged well.
It said that when you are looking for quality, you should look beyond the price and examine the cabinet. “It’s important to look for solid wood construction and well-finished base, that there are no imperfections like wood knots or bad sanding.
To know the perfect color combination for your kitchen
3.Bad lighting when your need can be both drab and dis-functional.
A kitchen can’t function properly with full potential until it has proper lighting. Without proper lighting, we can’t make the kitchen a comfortable one when trying to use the kitchen both day and night. Make sure that you have multiple light sources to ensure minimum light throughout the area.
4. Busy kitchen backsplash usually which can be expensive to replace.
When it comes to a kitchen backsplash, simple is always more elegant than busy backsplash that diverts. A cohesive clean backsplash looks much better and resonates so well overtime for a timeless look. It helps the resale value of the home.
5. The absence of art or color in the kitchen is a missed opportunity.
Kitchens usually aren’t the first place you plan for hanging art or a pair of curtains, but this shouldn’t be the case. “We would like to add some art to the wall or beautiful window treatments to add color, explaining that this could attract a kitchen’s look.
6.Placing electrical gadgets in impractical places might cause your countertops to be occupied with wires.
The smaller appliances like the blender, toaster, are often forgotten about, leading to confused counter tops with a cluster of wires running to the nearest outlet. Though it can be expensive, having outlets professionally moving these wires might help your kitchen’s functionality with fine continuity.
7.Not having sufficient space to store your extra pots and pans
When you can’t place your large pots and pans on shelves, you’ll end up creating a “clutters kitchen space” since that might end up being stored on top of your oven or open shelves.But if you’re renovating your kitchen or starting from scratch, you could avoid this confusion by incorporating space-saving ideas according to your design. If there are no renovation plans in your future, you can try using stylish-yet-functional pot-storage methods, like a hanging rack.
8. Marble countertops aren’t always worth it.
The marble counter tops were a great look but could stain easily from certain drinks and foods. Marble will erode quickly from acidic ingredients like vinegar or lemons. For more affordable and durable counters, LeFreddo suggests going with synthetic materials or a stone, such as quartz or granite.
9.Leaving a huge space above your cabinets can just lead to dust buildup.
One noticeable mistake was a big space between kitchen shelves and the ceiling.These spaces are hard to clean and used for no real purpose. We can recommend closing the area with a soffit. A soffit is a decorative architectural feature than can help fill up the empty area in a more useful, appealing way.
To know how to maintain a clean kitchen
10. Your kitchen’s most important features to be arranged functionally and attractively
Following some design fundamentals will make your kitchen both functional and visually attractive. Washing, storing, and cooking must form a perfect triangle for efficiency, functionality, and utility in the kitchen.
11.Installing high-gloss white shelves can take away the warmth in a kitchen.
Even though white shelves were popular, you must avoid the “high-gloss” view for a cozy space.While we love modern, streamlined looks, these shelves can make a kitchen feel empty and take away the warmth often associated with the kitchen area.
Avoiding above mentioned mistakes can bring out the best kitchen with stylish and customized interior designed kitchen
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