7 Elements of Interior design
Interior design is a combination of both science and art. Creativity and flair are the words that come to our minds when we think about interior designing. But there is so much science involved in interior design. Just like the 7 basic principles of interior design , 7 elements help design an interior with balance and functionality. Learning about each of the elements will help you become a master in designing.
Implementing the basic elements not only makes the room appear beautiful but also increases its functionality. To begin with, an interior designer will evaluate the room as per these interior design elements, and afterward, use them to camouflage or upgrade the different elements and blemishes of the space. As a base, the accompanying seven elements ought to consistently be considered in the creation of any interior.
The seven elements of Interior design
- Space/Lines
- Form/Shape
- Pattern
- Light
- Color
- Texture
Space is the foundation and fundamental element of interior design. Space is nothing but the dimensions; length, width, and height of room that you have to work with. Nothing can be changed in the existing space therefore an interior designer knows well that they need to work what they have within the physical boundaries of a room.
Space is divided into two categories namely positive space, and negative space. Positive space is that space having all your furniture and other elements. Whereas negative space is that which is empty without any elements.
Creating a balance between positive space and negative space is vital to make a room look laid out. An interior with too much negative space will feel spacious but too much negative space can also make a room look under-furnished. On the other hand, too much positive space will make a room seem smaller and too crowded.
The furnishings and objects in a room create lines that significantly impact the vibe of the space, and they can likewise be used to create a focal point. There are three kinds of lines namely horizontal, vertical, and dynamic that help to shape a room. Lines created using structural design and furnishings form harmony, unity, and contrast.
Horizontal lines: These lines provide a sense of stability, formality, and efficiency. Mostly created using tables, and horizontally designed wallpapers, etc. Horizontal lines make a small space appear larger and wider. But too many horizontal lines can make a room feel boring so be cautious while using them in space. Most often interior designers use horizontal lines to create a focal point.
Vertical lines: These lines evoke the feeling of freedom and strength. Mostly created by windows, doorways, etc. Vertical lines make a room seem longer than it is. They are recommended to use in office rooms, dining rooms, and entries. Be cautious to use them sparingly else it might make people feel uncomfortable.
Dynamic lines: These lines refer to zigzag or curved lines. Dynamic lines provide energy and movement to a space capturing people’s attention for longer. Using too many dynamic lines can be too distracting for one’s eye and can overpower horizontal and vertical lines.
The form is nothing but the shape of the room and all the furnishings and objects within the room. These forms can be either geometric which refers to hard lines and square edges or natural that refers to shapes of nature. The key here is to maintain a balance between both. Geometric shapes reflect boldness whereas natural shapes reflect softness in a room.
Natural light or artificial both are critical for an interior. Natural light is the ones we get from nature whereas artificial are ones created using lamps, bulbs, etc. The quality and quantity of the daylight differ each day and are seen to be fixed. Allowing natural light can make the room seem brighter and bigger. It is important to balance both the lights to make an interior more functional.
Daylight can be filtered using a drapery or window treatments. It can be improved by using a mirror or window treatments that allow light into the room.
Artificial light is broken down into three categories namely accent light, general light, and task light. Accent light draws attention towards an object or area whereas general lighting lights up the entire space and task lighting is that light we use to perform a particular task. Task lighting is often used in a kitchen or office. Light serves the most functional purpose in a room. Most interior designers believe that light improves a room’s visual appearance and functionality of a room.
Color is an important element in interior design. Don’t underestimate the power of color phycology because every color has its mood. Colors can give a perception of a small room into a large space than it is. When choosing the right color for an interior first know how the space will be used. Then check on how the natural and artificial light might affect the color. Finally for smaller spaces use neutral tones to make it seem larger and darker tones for large rooms to give a bolder look.
Texture refers to the surface of the object that we can touch and feel. The texture is of two type’s namely visual texture and actual texture. Visual texture refers to the impression that we get just by viewing. Whereas actual texture refers to the texture that can be felt by both seeing and touching.
Just how interior designers mix colors and patterns to create a stylish interior same way texture can also be mixed to create a subtle sense of depth. A texture that bends with the color and pattern of an interior can bring a unique dimension to a room.
Patterns when perfectly paired with the interior color scheme can add appeal to a room. They are implemented in an interior through wallpaper, soft furnishings, rugs, and fabrics. Patterns can be anything such as stripes, geometric, pictorial, organic, motif and animal prints.
Patterns should be used sparingly in a small interior. Whereas in large space it can be used as a focal point. Lines such as horizontal and vertical can be used as a pattern to make a room appear bigger and taller.
Do you want to create an interior that is balanced, functional and stylish? Then book a consultation with LeFreddo- Interior designer in Salem today. We will help you through the process of creating a beautiful home that you dreamt of.